Gifts of the Spirit

Alchemical meditation series

7 Evenings
10 Transformational Online Meditations

Online price only £250

Have you ever wanted to safely open the gateways to the spiritual dimensions?

Gain a greater understanding of who you are and what makes you tick?

Allow yourself to safely connect with your Higher Self, your Spirit Guides, Masters of Light and Archangels.

Then join me for a series of alchemical, transformational meditative journeys where you will learn how to use your sanctuary to travel through to different energetic dimensions.

You will learn skills to awaken and increase your own spiritual gifts and psychic perceptions while journeying and meditating in a completely safe manner.

Starting Wednesday 15th July 8pm to 10pm for 7 weeks.

This class is beyond your “regular guided” meditation as you will build a safe, trusted connection to your Higher Self and the ability to visit other dimensions with the guidance of your Higher Self. And so, so much more.

Book now and save 10%

Usually £250 but for this course pay only £225
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